Systems Modelling – Is it not inefficicent to do a Product Backlog Refinement session with the entire team? In one of the previous Product Backlog Refinements, an internal stakeholder asked me whether it was inefficient to have all team members
LeSS refresh option: learning counter-intuitive ideas takes time
LeSS refresh option: learning counter-intuitive ideas takes time Refresh your LeSS knowledge! The ideas in LeSS are sometimes difficult to grasp for participants. Even though you understood the major ideas, some of the aspects did not click yet, or the
Typical false dichotomies in multi-team Scrum
Typical false dichotomies in multi-team Scrum During the past weeks, I had several conversations with people and noted typical false dichotomies like a team member is either a generalist or a specialist, whether a team is either co-located or working
Optimize your organizational structure for agility
Organizations typically focus on improved collaboration within teams, yet they do necklet the potential of improved inter-team collaboration. For an organization “being agile” instead of “doing agile”, it is crucial to apply organizational design thinking and systems modelling to optimize the whole organization for agility and provide the surrounding conditions for the teams’ collaboration.
Successful agile adoptions require that there is a real need for change, and that the senior management is willing to lead and support the change. Cross-functional, cross-component, autonomous, real teams are the key to building an agile organization.
Was sind Best Practices für die Lieferung eines gemeinsamen Produkt Inkrements?
Was sind Best Practices für die Lieferung eines gemeinsamen Produkt Inkrements? LeSS bietet in seinem Themenbereich “Technical Excellence” viele Leitfäden an, auf was man achten sollte. Beispiele dafür sind ein solides Buildsystem Test-Driven-Development Specification by Example Continuous Integration Clean Code
Back in the office? – make it count!
Back in the office? – make it count! A developer starts to work again in the office. After he comes in, he searches for a quiet corner somewhere, opens his laptop, and puts his headphones on to start a Zoom
The harmfulness of Scrum Master double roles and what you can do about it
The harmfulness of Scrum Master double roles and what you can do about it The other day I had an intense conversation with managers about the topic of double roles of a Scrum Master. One of the managers was also
kai kaku Oy is now a certified LeSS coaching company
kai kaku Oy is now a certified LeSS coaching company
My top hint for any Agile Transformation: Under any circumstances avoid learning in your organization!
My top hint for any Agile Transformation: Under any circumstances avoid learning in your organization! My top hint for any Agile Transformation: Under any circumstances avoid learning in your organization! Let me open up that for you… Do not send
Why experiments are the key for a learning organization
Why experiments are the key for your organization Managers and leaders, do you believe in “best practice”, belittle the idea of experiments, have you implemented solutions that didn’t last, or are you afraid of failure? Let’s explore the possible ways