How does LeSS solve inter-team dependencies?

What kind of dependencies do we talk about here? If team A is dependent on team B, it means that team A cannot start/complete/finish their work before team B has finished theirs. Team A and B can only work on their own component thus they are called Component Teams. Any customer-centric (and thus end2end) feature typically requires changes in several components. The larger the product and the larger the organization the more chaotic the net of dependencies becomes. The call for more coordinators is a typical response, leading to the need for even more coordination, and fighting the symptom (need for coordination) instead of eliminating the cause (the dependencies between teams).

LeSS promotes the organizational structure to be based on Feature Teams. A Feature Team is cross-functional, cross-component(!), long-lived and stable. This means a Feature Team has all the required skills and competencies to get a customer-centric feature “done” (as in Definition of Done). In LeSS, we want that the majority of the teams are Feature Teams. In the best case, all teams are Feature Teams and any Feature Team can work on any component. The team members in a Feature Team are typically multi-skilled, and by that, a regular-sized team can work on many components. Thus the dependencies are eliminated. Now all the teams can work always on the highest-priorities items in every iteration. 

How does LeSS solve inter-team dependencies?
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