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Beratung für die
Lean und Agile
Produkt Entwicklung

We are uncovering better ways of developing products and helping others do it. We do this by providing coaching, hands-on workshops, and through trainings.

Wolfgang Steffens CEO kai kaku Oy

"Wasch mich aber mach mich nicht nass" - Hast du genug von diesem Theater?

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You learned that by simply renaming the roles, artifacts and events your organization will not become as agile as you want or need it to be?

Maybe it is time for a more in-depth and structural change of your organization. Easier said than done! Maybe you already did a major restructuring of your organization and yet it failed to deliver the results. Introducing an overall system optimization goal will bring transparency to your transformation, and it will allow you to achieve more benefits.

Invite me to join and help you on your journey towards true organizational agility.

Wolfgang, Geschäftsführer von kai kaku Oy





Wolfgang did an excellent job in turning the rather big ship around an plotting a new course … This made the project sucessfull and earned him great respect.

G. S.

Head of Release Management

Great Job Wolfgang, thank you soooo much, this has been quite a remarkable session! I can defintely recommend this course (Certified LeSS Practitioner)!

A. O.

Agile Coach

… Ohne die Zusammenarbeit mit dir und das Lernen von dir hätte ich das nie geschafft. Ich profitiere so sehr von der Zeit unserer Zusammenarbeit, und vieles von dem, was du damals gelehrt hast und ich damals noch abgelehnt habe, vertrete ich heute eisern …

E. J.

Test Manager

Was great. Gained insights by working on the many really enlightening Causual Loop Diagrams. And I loved your case study, Wolfgang. Thank you very much. Very well invested time.

R. F.

Transition Coach

I was immediately struck by how much substantial agile knowledge he has and how well he can use practical examples.

O. T.

Scrum Master & Trainer

Best Scrum/Agile course (Online LeSS Practitioner) I ever visited!


Entrepreneur, Agile Coach


Wenn du Veränderung nicht als Feind, sondern als willkommenen Freund sehen, sicherst du dir den wertvollsten Preis von allen – die Zukunft!

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